Hi! 👋, I’m Stéphan. I am a Machine Learning engineer/NLP Person. Welcome to my personal website. I hope you enjoy reading it. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out through my social channels, or via e-mail.
- I live in Antwerp, but I used to live in the far north of the Netherlands, in Groningen.
- I am the father of twins, a boy and a girl, they’re about 2 years old now. Having twins is super tough, I like to think I did a lot of tough things in my life, but really, nothing compares to raising two strong-willed children of the same age.
- I enjoy reading books. My favorite author is Jeff Vandermeer. I really tend to enjoy what people call “weird fiction”, although I think the term is a bit overused, and tends to gravitate towards Lovecraft worship.
- I am an avid music listener. I really like focused listening to new music, and the act of conciously listening to a new album or piece of music. I tend to “overlisten” to a single album, only to then discard it soon after, in mild disgust that I would ever listen to such drivel.
- I studied philosophy (BA), software engineering (BA), and (computational) linguistics (MA & PhD).
- Am a bit of a luddite, not by choice, but it’s the way I am.
- I believe doing nothing sometimes is super useful. Try doing more nothing!
Right now, I work at Ecosia, the search engine that plants trees. I am tech lead on the Intent Recognition pipeline, which is the classifier that runs on any query being entered into Ecosia search.
Before that, I worked as a Senior NLP/Machine Learning Engineer at Metamaze. I work on a lot of projects related to generative AI, mostly related to the core business of Metamaze, which is automated document processing.
Some time ago, I worked as a Data Scientist at Dataprovider.com. I work on a variety of AI projects, mostly to do with Information Retrieval-like tasks.
Even longer ago, a machine learning engineer at Slimmer A.I.. I specifically focused on analyzing scientific text within the publishing process.
And a very long time ago, I was a ph.d student at CLiPS, the Computational Linguistics and Psycholinguistics Research Center at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. My thesis topic was on the psycholinguistics of lexical access and word recognition. I defended my thesis remotely on the 11th of September 2020.
Even much longer ago, I also held a researcher position at CLiPS, where I worked on extracting concepts from free text clinical records in the scope of the Accumulate project.